

If you have no safety vest in the car, you have to pay

If you have no safety vest in the car, you have to pay

  • 2023-04-03

Motorists must expect a fine from July if they have no safety vest in their vehicle. However, there is no obligation to carry – the Ministry of Transport points to personal responsibility.

Many road users in Germany must expect a fine of 15 euros from 1 July, if they have no safety vest in their vehicle. As reported by the “Saarbrücker Zeitung”, the Federal Ministry of Transport, led by Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), has fixed the amount of the fine in a new regulation.

According to the information must be carried in cars, trucks, tractors, and buses in the future, a safety vest sew-on reflective tape. Motorcyclists are excluded from the new rules.

Motorists should wear the reflective vest in the event of a breakdown or accident. However, according to the report, the new regulation does not provide for any obligation to carry. Instead, the Ministry “on the self-responsible action of road users.” The Federal Council had already decided in July 2013 the warning waistcoat. The carrying of a warning triangle has long been mandatory in Germany and in other EU countries.

In other countries higher fines

With the revision of vest Germany is now following the example of many European states. However, in other countries significantly higher fines are due than in the future in the Federal Republic, and their road users must also wear the safety vest with reflective material if it comes to an accident or a glitch.

For example, road users in Portugal are fined between € 60 and € 600 if they are caught without a warning vest. In Italy, violations of this nature are punished with at least 35 euros; In Spain, not wearing costs around 90 euros.

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